All I know about her

Written by Myet Chai Nu Aung |
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All I know about “her”

It is not about love, but rather life. He was emotionally bound to an operating system. And he fell in love with a voice he could listen to and ears he could open up to. Nevertheless, the film was not meant to put everything under “romance”. There’s the twist that will make you confused. 

Though you may find something about love in the movie, I can sense the backbone of the movie as a brilliant philosophy about life. We all know that. At the same time, we all forget about that. Guess what? Ok, I don’t wanna give you the answer. Don’t get me wrong, this is not the answer. I
Just wanna make sure what I have learned and got from the movie. 

Here, there are three messages from the movie (that’s exactly what I got. You may find some more probably.)
1. Fall in love and falling apart
2. Evolving, changing and ending 
3. Leaving 

In fact, these three things have only one meaning for me. It’s about the nature of impermanence. I am not sweet talking to you to realize what the Buddha taught. 

This is just the thing we have to learn from our experiences. It is sad but true. One day when you can appreciate everything you had in your life, you will find it easy to be grateful for that.

Hey, I am not sharing you my ideas again. This is all about I can feel upon the movie. 

We all think that life is all about us. But, sometimes it is all about everything except us. But, you know what? I have this belief that nothing can change us who we really are. 

And, you have your own choice how you are gonna take things. It’s you and it’s not her. Yeah, the final thought is mine.......

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Author: Myet Chai Nu Aung
I was born on 5 December 1991. I got bachelor of Engineering from Technological University, Mandalay, Myanmar and Master’s of International Studies from Ewha Womans University, South Korea. I am currently working at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Office, Myanmar. My passion is writing any kind of literature.
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