Money and Finance

How Does Traveling Make You a Richer Person

Written by Mark Pringle
Social media has transformed the travel game and the perception of travelers and traveling. It is impossible to miss the fantastic voyages of your close, and not-so-close friends if you are a member of a social forum like Facebook or Instagram. However, this assault of travel experiences by oft Read More

How Do People Afford to Travel So Much?

Written by Mark Pringle
I love to travel. It is a strong and barely controllable desire that is at my core. The problem is that I do not make a lot of money and I never have. The salaries from my jobs over the years would fall into the "slightly above average" USA income bracket. Even so, I have va Read More

Understand the Purpose of Life Insurance

Written by Mark Pringle
Don’t look at life insurance as an investment. Look at it as a way to protect your loved ones in case the breadwinner of the family dies, and the family’s savings do not allow the family to be self-insured. Stick to term life insurance, which is the most basic type of insurance. It co Read More

How to Achieve a Proper Work-Life Balance

In a world where everyone is obsessed with working and achieving, it's often easy to compromise our well-being. We have so highly prioritized our desire to succeed professionally, that we forget to care for more essential things like our mental, physical, and emotional wellness. So, it's vit Read More

How To Finance Africas Development And Transformation

Written by Ekoja Okewu
What if as a leader, you discovered that the treasury was empty? When the question of financing development and transformation pops up at Africans, they think it is all about pumping millions of dollar into the hands of her citizens or building some sort of gigantic structures in the name of infrast Read More

Here's Why Buying Used Cars Can Save Thousands of Dollars a Year

Written by Mark Pringle
One year I was looking for an older model Lexus because I knew those cars would drive for 250,000 miles effortlessly. I saw a Lexus advertised in the classifieds, and I drove about 30 miles to see it. The car was beautiful and drove perfectly. It had about 120,000 miles on it, and the timing bel Read More

Money Topics

Money Articles

Save Money by Lowering Your Cable Bill and Not Compromising Entertainment
by Mark Pringle
How Do People Afford to Travel So Much?
by Mark Pringle
Facilitate Happiness by Not Wasting Time with Unproductive Things
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The Skyrocketing Cost of a College Education - Facts to Consider
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Financial Torture and How to Escape Debt
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The Top 10 Things People Collect While Traveling
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How Does Traveling Make You a Richer Person
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What You Need to Know About Stocks in a Post-Pandemic (Coronavirus) World
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What Does it Mean to be an Entrepreneur?
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Here's Why Buying Used Cars Can Save Thousands of Dollars a Year
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Thula victorious interview on mzansi magic turns sour
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Is Your Savings Account with a Local Bank? Yeah, You Might Want to Change That
by Mark Pringle
Understand the Purpose of Life Insurance
by Mark Pringle
Saving for a Rainy Day is More Than a Trite Proverb
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
Fun Things That Don’t Cost Much Money
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What is a Bond and What are the Types of Bonds
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How to Achieve a Proper Work-Life Balance
by Travel & Daily Life Staff