Travel & Daily Life

Formerly Travel & Daily

Caldas da Rainha: The Silver Coast's Quiet City

At first glance, the city of Caldas da Rainha might just be a quiet crossing to get to other destinations in the Silver Coast of Portugal. However given the chance, Caldas da Rainha proves itself to be more than just its red brick-tiled roofs and aging white facades. The cracks on the walls tell man Read More

Is Trevor Lawrence the Next “Sure Thing” NFL QB? Not So Fast!

Written by Mark Pringle
He is projected to be the consensus number one pick in NFL Draft. He is also thought to be the one "sure-thing" quarterback of the 2021 NFL Draft. Even so, last year, I was not overly impressed with Trevor Lawrence, and that opinion carried over to the 2020 college season. However, I h Read More

Serengeti National Park: Where the Land Runs Forever

Serengeti National Park, located in the Simiyu and Mara regions of Tanzania, was originally established as a wildlife conservatory. Native Maasai people named the place, after their word, “siringet,” which means “the place where the land runs forever.” When visiting the Seren Read More

The Big Trees of Yosemite

Between the heavy pine and silver fir zones towers the Big Tree (Sequoia gigantea), the king of all the conifers in the world, "the noblest of the noble race." The groves nearest Yosemite Valley are about twenty miles to the westward and southward and are called the Tuolumne, Merced and Ma Read More

Lisbon Portugal's Beautiful Architecture, Tradition, and Culture (Photos)

One of the oldest cities in the world, Lisbon gives nothing less than literally historical periods-worth of architecture, tradition, and culture for anyone to immerse in. Surrounded by the deepest blues of the Atlantic Ocean and rifted beautifully by the calm Tagus River, Lisbon is a majestic sight Read More

Wondrous Juneau, Playful Whales, and the Defiant Inside Passage

Written by Mark Pringle
It was the northernmost journey's end of our Alaska Inside Passage cruise and the 2nd most remarkable destination of the trip: only behind Canada’s Yukon Territory. It was the serene, surprisingly temperate, and nature-filled Juneau Alaska. Juneau is a magnificent panorama of natur Read More

Humans and Natural Norms

Written by sand blown
Nature (that is, as 'time') is a continuous process of change, evolution, adaptation, co-operation, and survival. Change-periods vary from decades and millennia to epoch times of tens of millions of years. Through all that change (time) nature&nbs Read More

My Time On A Ventilator

Written by Margaret Brennan
You groggily awaken in the OR. Your surgery has ended so you close your eyes for a peaceful recovery. Without warning, you feel as though you’re being propelled through a wind tunnel and somewhere off in the distance, you hear someone shout, “Hurry, she’s not breathing.” Someone else shouts: “Her Read More

Importance Of The Role Of Youths In National Development, And How Education Of International Quality Can Help Them Fulfil It Better

Written by Ekoja Okewu
A “youth” is best understood as a period of transition from the dependence of childhood to adulthoods independence and awareness of our inter dependence as members of a community (UNESCO). Nigeria with a current population estimate of 200, 815, 094 (worldometer 2019) has the highest numb Read More

Build stadiums for counties to promote economic growth

                           Build stadiums for counties to promote economic growth According to the World Bank report on counties in Kenya, Kajiado County occupies the Read More

Garnishes: Decorating a Dish for Eye Appeal

Garnishes are ingredients used to complete or to decorate a dish or to add eye appeal. In the classical cookery, nearly all dishes are named after their garnishes. Many groups of garnishes are identified by special names, referring to countries, cities, trades, events or persons more or less famous. Read More

Worker-Consumer Warriors Co-Operate

Written by sand blown
Since the twenties, thirties, and forties, psychologists have tied themselves to the wealth of media advertising. Capitalism is based on fostering competition, and, competition is by nature a divisive pursuit. Hence, a constant division ends in the management of a consumer population& Read More