white t-shirt

Written by veronique prins |
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Everyday I dress my child in her white shirt with grey pants, socks and shoes for the school during the winter. And everyday I ask the question, why give white clothes to children? 

Why is it that white clothes are so popular for schools to use or request at times when it is for children who never stay clean or neat when playing outside whole day. White??? I can understand that white is clean, neat, stands out and very versatile but as a parent it is the worst washing item there could ever be. Why not choose black, grey, maroon, blue, green, yellow, red or any other colour but white. 

I have asked this question the whole year through and it struck me, White, what does white mean, what does it represent, why is it popular and why do you struggle to keep it clean. The Word of God says He will wash us as clean and as white as snow. So what does it mean, durt is easily spotted on white clothes, so if our souls stray a little God can easily see it and wash us clean if we cry out to Him for cleansing. What does it represent? to me it represents cleansing, refreshed, removed and made new again. Why is it popular then? because with all of the colours in the worl, you can see white from very far away, it shines in its own way. Why do you struggle to keep it clean? It can get very durty very easily and some stains are very hard to remove. It takes time, effort, certain soap and elbow grease to get it clean and white again without damaging it. It needs care and patience. Just so, does our souls need care, pasients, certain type of sope, effort, time and alot of love from God to keep us clean. We get challanged alot in life which represents dirt so we are not always clean no matter how big or small it might be or seem. God loves us enough to still take time to clean us up and refresh us again for the next day or playtime. 

Im still against clothes for kids, but this is a different take on white for we are all wearing "white t-shirts. "

Copyright © TravelDailyLife.com

Author: veronique prins
mommy of 2 busy kids, working full day, daddy's working away and we are all studying. so to make up the study fees, we take up challanges that will help us financially. we do everything for our little ones and try to do the best we can everyday. never scared of learning something new and never say no to any challanges.


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