Fun Things That Don’t Cost Much Money

Written by Travel & Daily Life Staff |

There seems to be an unwritten rule that you must spend money to have fun. That is certainly not true. Here is a quick list of some fun things that you can do that cost little or no money.

  • Engage your artistic/creative side: draw, write, read, cook, or make handmade crafts and gifts
  • Encourage other people
  • Be active: enjoy nature, go camping, and explore your region
  • Learn to play a musical instrument
  • Play sports
  • Read
  • Spend time with friends/family: have a game night, meal-making day, or movie night
  • Take up bicycling
  • Take up photography. Everyone has a camera phone.
  • Workout
  • Write a book
  • Write poetry

Create your own list. Make a list of things that are truly valuable to you and that don’t require money. Determine how to increase the time and energy you dedicate to the items on your list.

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Author: Travel & Daily Life Staff
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