
Written by Cachline Etienne |
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A northern light,
A starlit night,
A silver flower,
A determined fighter.
As the plant grows in my soul,
It shouldn’t be there, yet it holds.
A new surge of strength grows inside, I feel faint.
Before I know it, it begins,
casting all fears aside.
It can hurt me, disappoint me, 
or even manipulate me.
But it grows,
It is determined to have its way.
So my body, in turn just obey.
Hope takes over, a deadly sin,
For when it starts it never ends.

Copyright © TravelDailyLife.com

Form of Poetry

I do not know?

Author: Cachline Etienne
Cachline Etienne was born in the Bahamas and is a huge poetry enthusiast. She is a student of the University of the Bahamas, majoring in psychology. During her spare time, Cachline prefers to read and paint. She also advocates for love and equal rights. After university Cachline plans to continue writing books throughout her career
My External Website (External Website Opens in New Window)


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Card image cap boygene borice - beautiful and inspiring writing.
Card image cap Travel & Daily Life Staff - Fantastic poem. Thanks.

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