
Written by Darlington Chukwunyere |
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Do you know, static clocks move faster than moving clocks?

Do you know, silence is not the best response to a fool?

Do you know, a man is also a woman?

Do you know, snakes don't  like to bite?

Do you know, monkeys hate banana trees?

Did you know Africans loved being colonised?

But do you know, every African is autonomous by nature?

Did you know, freedom is not free at all?

I'm  sure you know that blood is ticker than water.

But do you know love is bloodier than blood? 

Copyright ©

Form of Poetry

Free verse

Author: Darlington Chukwunyere
Nigerian born Darlington Chukwunyere is a thespian of Unizik Theatre, a screenwriter, a poet, and a self-published author. He co-wrote Gold Dust Ikenga which premiered in London in 2017 by Silver Achugamonye’s UK-based Silver-Globe Sines. His voice has been heard on Kalahari Review, Klintji magazine, the Voices Project, and elsewhere.


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