Peniche: The Surfing Destination of Portugal

Written by Travel & Daily Life Staff |
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Enclosed by three breathtaking walls of deep blue ocean, Peniche is the surfing destination of Portugal and maybe all of Europe. Home to several renowned surfing schools, and what many consider the best waves in Western Europe this fishing port has all the essentials for an amazing surfing experience.

Here you will find seemingly endless beaches of golden sand, overlooking the deep, cascading waves. Each of the three distinct beaches faces its own epic swell for a satisfying experience. If Peniche’s waves are too much for you, visit neighboring Baleal with its seismic landscape and calmer waves.

Peniche is also home to the Berlengas Archipelago, a haven to the wildlife that inhabits them. These islands are a series of rough, bald, and battered masses that brave the sea's attacks. The most dominant island being Berlenga Grande. Tourists can access the Berlenga Grande by ferry or speedboat. Here you will experience a spectacular coastline with an incredible view of the ocean's native wildlife.

The most historic monument in Peniche is The Fortaleza de Peniche. A monstrous complex, standing proudly atop dramatic cliffs, that was used as a prison in the 17th century. When all these phenomenal sites gift you with that familiar pang of hunger, this industrious town offers a variety of spectacular sea food restaurants. The warm sun, golden beaches, and salty waves make this destination a jewel in the sea. 

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Author: Travel & Daily Life Staff
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