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Niagara Falls Facts, Fun Things to Do, and History

The Niagara Falls in Ontario Canada is among the top natural wonders in the world with three spectacular waterfalls; Bridal Veil, American Falls, and the Horseshoe Falls. The 56-kilometer spectacle of nature creates the numerous memories and experiences that you would expect in a world-class to Read More

How Malaysia Melted My Heart: Discovering Malaysia

“Travel doesn’t become an adventure until you leave yourself behind”- Marty Rubin If one year ago someone told me that I would find myself in faraway Malaysia, this could seem like a real illusion for me. But sometimes even fantasies become realities, and so it happened: in Febr Read More

The Top 10 Best National Parks in Africa (with Photos)

Africa is famously known as home to hundreds of game reserves, national parks, and other great safari destinations.  It seems like every natural attraction on this massive continent has something exceptional and unique to offer. It does not matter if the appeal is the cast of massive mammals do Read More