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Shanghai, China: Facts, Travel and Points of Interest

Shanghai is China’s pride. This metropolis is situated on the Yangtze River bank, which accounts for the glorious financial, economic and international trade it enjoys. Added to this, it is the primary cultural center of Eastern China and a hub of fashion, design, and art. No wonder this Read More

Slovenia: The Stunning Overlooked Treasure of Europe

Snow-capped peaks of the Alps, warm Adriatic waters and world-class monuments are only some of the things that small country of Slovenia has to offer. Extending only about 20,000 square kilometers is one of the most underestimated and stunningly beautiful countries in Europe. However, in spite Read More

Verona, Italy: Travel in the Wake of Romeo and Juliet

Verona is a city breathing with love, affection, and embraced with romance. This town is where Romeo fell in Love with Juliet. "A Hundred shades of romance are beautifying the walls of Juliet’s house were love would charm your heart with just a single touch."  ~ L Read More