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Manuel Antonio National Park

Located on the Costa Rican coast, Manuel Antonio National Park is arguably one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. Pictures of its breathtaking landscape and stories of the magnificent beaches and sights quickly justify its rating in 2011 as one of the top twelve most beautiful nation Read More

Lisbon's Impressive Jerónimos Monastery (Mosteiro dos Jeronimos), Facts

Jerónimos Monastery (Mosteiro dos Jerónimos) is one of the most impressive examples of wealth and power that Portugal had during the Age of Discovery. It is one of the best examples of European Gothic architecture in the whole of Portugal. Located in Lisbon, the Mostei Read More

The Top 10 Best Surfing Spots In The World

Kelly Slater voiced the thoughts of surfing fanatics when he said about surfing- “It’s like the mafia. Once you’re in-you are in. There is no getting out.” Die-hard surfing fans do all it takes for a ride on the waves. They have their adrenaline levels shooting up by upping t Read More