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Portugal the Country and Popular Destinations

Portugal is a peaceful, beautiful, and mesmerizing southern European country on the Iberian Peninsula of the Atlantic Ocean. The country shares eastern and northern borders with Spain. Panoramic views of the Ocean are showcased in the western and southern sections. The Portuguese Republic’s su Read More

Seoul, South Korea: My Travel Experience and Points of Interest

It was an extremely cold morning of February when I reached Seoul, the capital of South Korea, for an International Conference. I was excited because I had only read about this economically powerful city in the world-Seoul, in books, magazines, and newspapers. Since I was going that far, I decid Read More

Thimphu, Bhutan: Where the Happiness of Shangri-La Resides

It was a cold morning in February recently when I boarded my flight to Paro to reach the capital of Bhutan, Thimpu, for a four-day visit. While I was booking my trip, I realized that there were not too many flight options available to Paro. Instead, the list of possibilities was restricted to j Read More