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Hetch Hetchy Valley

Yosemite is so wonderful that we are apt to regard it as an exceptional creation, the only valley of its kind in the world; but Nature is not so poor as to have only one of anything. Several other yosemites have been discovered in the Sierra that occupy the same relative positions on the Range and w Read More

Jordan: The Country With a Beautiful Culture

“Travelling is like flirting with Life, It’s like saying, “I would stay and love you, but I have to go. This is my station.” - Lisa St Aubin de Terán How do you select your future travel destination? What is it that rules over your decision; logic, emotion Read More

Top 10 Islamic Buildings in the World (Islamic Architecture Mosques)

The beautiful Islamic culture is defined by some of the most amazing architectural works in the world. Muslim architecture covers a wide range of structures from forts, tombs, mosques, and palaces. These fascinating structures are found in nations conquered by the Muslims back in the 7th century. Th Read More