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Snow and Storms in Yosemite

The first of the great snow-storms that replenish the Yosemite fountains seldom sets in before the end of November. Then, warned by the sky, wide-awake mountaineers, together with the deer and most of the birds, make haste to the lowlands or foothills; and burrowing marmots, mountain beavers, wo Read More

Top 10 Best Cities in the World to Photograph

The beauty, creativity, and impact of a photograph are clearly in the hands of the photographer. Photographers understand that the camera plays a relatively small part in the creative process because a great picture can originate from any subject, destination, or city, assuming the photographer has Read More

Zagreb, Croatia: Things to Do, Getting Around, Nightlife, & More

Year by year Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, is becoming more and more popular among tourists. Although many people go directly to the Croatian coast to visit Split or Dubrovnik, Zagreb (which is located in the northwest of the country) has a lot to offer. It is a bustling city with a rich history a Read More