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The Yosemite South Dome

With the exception of a few spires and pinnacles, the South Dome is the only rock about the Valley that is strictly inaccessible without artificial means, and its inaccessibility is expressed in severe terms. Nevertheless many a mountaineer, gazing admiringly, tried hard to invent a way to the top o Read More

Amsterdam: Where Attractions and Sights Meet Sustainable Development Goals

“This city is like no other city in the world. It is brilliant but it is bloated, and I've never called it home” - Jessie Burton about Amsterdam As a capital of the land of cheese, windmills and tulips, Amsterdam has a chance to be called as one of the most sustainable capita Read More

Chichen Itza: One of the New Seven Wonders of the World

Located deep in the northern end of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula is one of the modern Seven Wonders of the World; Chichén Itzá. Loosely translated, it means at the edge of Itza’s wall. Because of its close proximity to the seaside tourist destination of Cancun, only a Read More