
Written by Mark Joseph Adin |
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Sway, swaying in attractively mountain

Freedom’s just like tulips in mount’s hilltop

Indecisive, considered to sustain

Consuming special, while drinking soursop


When I look at tulips while ever grow

I wish I was one of them, Harmonic

And all of a sudden I feel the glow

Shines forevermore, a fresh glimpse on bee


But is it possible to turntables?

From Undoubtedly Favor to sorrow?

Just like human freedom being crumbled

Possible positivity must grow


. We need to nourish and foster freedom

So it may bloom like tulips in random

Copyright © TravelDailyLife.com

Form of Poetry


Author: Mark Joseph Adin
I'm a Writer specifically in short films, Poems, Songs, and Stories. My main genres in stories and short films were Thriller, Horror, Fantasy, and Drama. I also love Folklore and Dark-themed poems. If you would hire me you can reach me out at my official Facebook account Mark Joseph Adin or in my Writer account whose also on FB, Margaux Fury II (Gionna Daddio ATM)
My External Website (External Website Opens in New Window)


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