Unrequited love

Written by Florence Ezekiel |
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Once, on a sweet dawn. An innocent maiden, beauty such as the night stars, bright as the summer sun,  swore out of determination to remain sole until of age. Less affection - less crony. 

But as years brushed by, and life began to change its tune. Young innocent maiden starts to come sad and dismayed as love began to creep into her heart quite too early. 

      " if only he'd be patient enough" she muttered painfully, curling up the corner of her room hand full of the hem of her gown. The tears broke free as she sees him in her head. Regrets came as breakfast, lunch and dinner. It went on and on and her heart permanently out of muscles. 

On a particular night, she came crying profusely because she couldn't bring her self to say yes to the one she most loved even when she knew this could be the only chance she's got. "Oh!  Why have I sworn to stay single until I'm of age." She lamented brutally. "Why haven't I thought of the purnishment behind it?  Why was I so foolish?. 

One night - a young man on a drooping cape came to the maidens door, he met it ajar and came in through. "Maybe this time , if I tell her she might come positive. " he said in a low tone. "Coming to her house might prove I love her so." But he had barely moved his feet when he noticed the figure lieing lifeless on the ground. On a closer approach he figured its was his love. He knelt beside her, taking a close look at her. She appears so pale, so heart broken and innocent too. The lines on her cheeks showed how hard she hard cried. There he saw her little note and read:

" to my prince charming. 

if there be an opposite meaning to answers then my NO meant YES. I was I was scared, scared I might be smittened by God if I broke the oath I made to him,  to remain sole until I become of age. But I'm only seventeen. I never found love such as this. I love you and will forever do. I became too weak to carry on. I'll be too selfish to let you live in pain of unreturned love. Your father needs you to get a bride so soon. I couldn't tell you to wait for me. Take on another maiden my love. I just hope you get this message."



Copyright © TravelDailyLife.com

Author: Florence Ezekiel
I am Florence Ezekiel. Born 2000 January 12. I'm from a family of seven and the very first born of the Ezekiel's. I graduated from ultimate pride academy in the year 2016 on the 15 of December. I started writer at age 14, thus far, no publishing yet.
My External Website (External Website Opens in New Window)


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