Young Hearts

Written by Juanita Smith |
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Her eyes were glued to the divine piece of jewelry. It was a wire wrapped crystal necklace pendant with chain opalite onyx and amethyst gemstones. 

"D'you like it?" His voice was thick with apprehension. Dylan Morales was worried. Here he was, giving a present to his best friend in a black jewelry box. Dylan had known Tilly all his life and he secretly liked her. 

"I love it." 


Dylan let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. She loved it. Tha meant his sister Danny, was right and he owed her twenty bucks. He cursed himself for doubting Danny.

Dylan helped her wear it and she kissed his cheek. Pink coated their cheeks. Their gazes locked then they both pulled away.

"Was it expensive?"

Dylan let out a breathy chuckle and Tilly fought a swoon. In her mind, she was fangirling like crazy.

"If $5.98 is expensive then yes, you could say it was expensive."

Tilly's eyes went wide with surprise. Cute- Dylan thought with a smirk. She expected it to be at least two hundred dollars.

"It was on sale at eBay. Happy belated birthday!" He explained and she nodded in a daze. The silver felt cold against her tanned skin. Tilly remembered the party- the cake was pretty, but she was sad because Dylan was away at the regionals of the Maths & Science Quiz. 

"Thanks, I-"

Tilly was cut off by the shrill shriek of her little sister- Tiffany- who ordered them to come downstairs for dinner. They bounced to the kitchen obediently, not wanting to offend the scary Tiffany. The eight-year-old had established herself as the queen of the house the moment she was eight. That was three months ago- life was hell for Tilly since then.

Tara Jobar, the mother of the girls was already in the kitchen. Small disposable soup pots were on the table and Dylan knew that it was potato soup. The heard a ding followed by another. Tara rushed o slip on her oven mittens and remove the cheese toast from the oven, while Tiffany runs to open the door.

The table was set for eight. Dylan was confused. Tara, Tiffany, Tily and himself were a total of four, where did the other four come from? His question was answered when the Leroy's trooped in. Dylan glared at Kylian Leroy, while the latter returned the glare. Tilly stood awkwardly while the adults hugged and Tiffany chatted animatedly with Manon, the offspring of the Leroy's. Dylan- the Aussie- glared at Kylian- the French boy.

"Let's say the grace then eat."

Tilly sat between Kylian and Dylan. The little girls, along with Tara sat opposite of them. Capucine Leroy- the mother- and Gabin- the father- sat at opposite ends of the table.

Dylan chewed on his cheese toast, relishing the cheesiness and the tiny hint of mayonnaise with a smile. The potato soup was topped with fried bacon and grated cheddar. 

he adults talked while the boys glared at each other and Tilly talked with Dyan. She liked Dylan, not Kylian. End of matters. So why was Dylan still glaring at Kylian? Maybe they had always hated each other?


Copyright ©

Author: Juanita Smith
I'm Juanita but everyone calls me Juan, which is pronounced like the first number- one. And yes I am always at the top. I think writing is cool and I joined this website to better myself for my future career. I like ice cream and I'm only 14 and close to overweight (I don't know why I added that last part.)


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