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Dramatic Iceland: Natural Wonders and Things to Do (Great Photos)

“The Land of Fire and Ice,” as the Nordic island nation of Iceland is known, is a country of beautiful geological contrasts. It is a natural wonder that overwhelms and envelopes senses in its beauty of color, glaciers, ruggedness, waterfalls, and natural beauty. This country's dramat Read More

Seoul, South Korea: My Travel Experience and Points of Interest

It was an extremely cold morning of February when I reached Seoul, the capital of South Korea, for an International Conference. I was excited because I had only read about this economically powerful city in the world-Seoul, in books, magazines, and newspapers. Since I was going that far, I decid Read More

Thimphu, Bhutan: Where the Happiness of Shangri-La Resides

It was a cold morning in February recently when I boarded my flight to Paro to reach the capital of Bhutan, Thimpu, for a four-day visit. While I was booking my trip, I realized that there were not too many flight options available to Paro. Instead, the list of possibilities was restricted to j Read More