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Top 10 Best Cities in the World to Photograph

The beauty, creativity, and impact of a photograph are clearly in the hands of the photographer. Photographers understand that the camera plays a relatively small part in the creative process because a great picture can originate from any subject, destination, or city, assuming the photographer has Read More

Singapore Travel, Facts, and Points of Interest

This was my sixth visit to Singapore a country which can, by all means, be titled as a ‘Sunshine country’. Each time I visit this country, I am excited for I know it will have something new to offer and I will have something new to explore. An island country, Singapore is located in Sout Read More

Siguniang Mountain: a Sacred Place for Tibetans and Paradise for Climbers

I drank hot water from my thermos. First, the hot water could warm my body. Second, my body needed a lot of water at an altitude where I'm not used to living, above 3300 m of the sea level. I was in the valley of Siguniang Mountain, China, one of the sacred places for Tibetan people and a paradi Read More