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Top 10 Best Honeymoon Destinations in India

The heartbeat of every part of India beats in a different tune. Every part of this country features a unique wonder. In the Northern corner, you will find the serenity of the Himalayan mountains. Travel a bit south, you get to connect with the history of millions of decades. The east part o Read More

Agra Fort and Tales of Mughal Empire

The name Agra is mainly famous for the iconic UNESCO World Heritage Site, Taj Mahal. However, the city is more than just the Taj Mahal; it holds the history of a significant part of the Mughal Empire. The famous Agra Fort had been the home of Mughal Emperors for many generations.  Read More

The Untold History and Love Story of the Taj Mahal

"Only let this one teardrop, this Taj Mahal, glisten spotlessly bright on the cheek of time, forever and ever." These great words of Rabindranath Tagore evoke two magical words that are related to Taj Mahal, ‘Eternal Love.’ The name of this wonder of the world carries the we Read More