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Top 10 Strikingly Cool Buildings and Architecture in Dubai

Meet any person returning from Dubai and you will hear raving accounts of their wonderful and fascinating trip to this metropolis in the United Arab Emirates. So, what is it that makes Dubai a favorite of travelers? While it most certainly would not be one singular genre of attraction, Dubai particu Read More

Hong Kong, China: Facts, Travel, and Points of Interest

Hong Kong is a colorful, dynamic, and self-governing metropolis located on the southern coast of China. The name Hong Kong means “Fragrant Harbor” due to its deep-water harbor which is enclosed by mountainous terrain, the South China Sea, and Pearl River Delta. It is this harbo Read More

Taipei, Taiwan: Facts, Travel, and Points of Interest

Taipei city is a modern metropolis located on the northern tip of Taiwan. As a capital city, Taipei is known as a prominent economic and cultural hub. This island has a lot to offer with years of contested and exciting history.  Being among the best in design and shopping to a city full of Read More