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The Flowers of Yosemite

Yosemite was all one glorious flower garden before plows and scythes and trampling, biting horses came to make its wide open spaces look like farmers' pasture fields. Nevertheless, countless flowers still bloom every year in glorious profusion on the grand talus slopes, wall benches and tablets, Read More

Manuel Antonio National Park

Located on the Costa Rican coast, Manuel Antonio National Park is arguably one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. Pictures of its breathtaking landscape and stories of the magnificent beaches and sights quickly justify its rating in 2011 as one of the top twelve most beautiful nation Read More

The Trees of Yosemite Valley

The most influential of the Valley trees is the yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa). It attains its noblest dimensions on beds of water-washed, coarsely-stratified moraine material, between the talus slopes and meadows, dry on the surface, well-watered below and where not too closely assembled in groves t Read More