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Some National Parks at a Glance

[Number, 18; total area, 10,739 square miles] NATIONAL PARKS IN ORDER OF CREATION LOCATION AREA IN SQUARE MILES DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Hot Springs, 1832 Middle Arkansas 1-1/2 46 hot springs possessing curative properties—M Read More

South Africa Vacation Tips for Tourists: Tourism, Dramatic Landscapes, and Safaris

It has been said that a traveler's or tourists favorite destination is their next one. Is this the case with you, and are you all set for your next upcoming big adventure? If you haven't finalized the destination why not consider beautiful, distinct, and spectacular South Africa? If you Read More

Top 10 Most Romantic and Unique Honeymoon Destinations

Couples all around the world select hidden corners or secluded places to spend their honeymoons: Maldives, Hawaii, Sri Lanka and others are the major spots to welcome the newly-married couples. Naturally, the secluded beachy corners provide a space to have alone time for the loving hearts and to con Read More