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  • Country: Nigeria
    Nature is incredibly beautiful
  • Country: Saudi Arabia
    Destination: Mecca
    To stand there and face the abyss. Where the height and the glory of the mountains dissolves into the vast empty grounds. As the mountains stand to document the history
  • Country: India
    Destination: Assam
    In ASSAM,when I was passing through a river. I saw a KingFisher in a branch of a tree and the KingFisher was waiting for a fish for hunting.
  • Country: Turkey
    Destination: Hot Springs
    Pamuk Kale is a town in western Turkey known for the mineral-rich thermal waters flowing down white travertine terraces on a nearby hillside. Pamukkales terraces are made of travertine, a
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Nevada
    A nice retreat during a long drive through the high desert, Bog Hot Springs is a fantastic location for camping and relaxing in a running hot spring creek. One can
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Hot Springs
    Bison relaxing near Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park

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Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park

Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park is one of Japan's national treasures. It is divided into four general areas that include Mt. Fuji area, Hakone area, Izu Peninsula, and Izu Islands. Instead of being in one place, the park's points of interest are dispersed throughout the region. In these areas Read More

Slovenia: The Stunning Overlooked Treasure of Europe

Snow-capped peaks of the Alps, warm Adriatic waters and world-class monuments are only some of the things that small country of Slovenia has to offer. Extending only about 20,000 square kilometers is one of the most underestimated and stunningly beautiful countries in Europe. However, in spite Read More

Tokyo, Japan: Facts, Travel, and Points of Interest

Are you planning on taking a trip[ to Japan? If so, Tokyo should be on your list of "do not miss" cities to visit. Ranked among the busiest commercial towns in the world, Tokyo was previously referred to as Edo before its name was changed back in 1867. Located in the heart of Japan an Read More