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Why San Francisco is the Best City in the USA

San Francisco, California is a city with deep historical roots embedded at the core. After the Great Earthquake that hit San Francisco in 1906, and the fires had raged like a fury afterward, the landscape of San Francisco had been forever changed. Nearly three quarters of the city had laid in ruins, Read More

Singapore Travel, Facts, and Points of Interest

This was my sixth visit to Singapore a country which can, by all means, be titled as a ‘Sunshine country’. Each time I visit this country, I am excited for I know it will have something new to offer and I will have something new to explore. An island country, Singapore is located in Sout Read More

Paris in 4 days: The Perfect Day and Night Sightseeing Itinerary

Is four days enough time to see a thriving cultural metropolis like Paris? Even if it is your first visit, the answer is yes! However, it is almost impossible to know what to see and when to see it: especially if you are on a time constraint. So, I wanted to provide a concise list of the best places Read More