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Coimbra: Portugal's City of Knowledge

Coimbra, known as "City of Knowledge" or "City of Students", is the cultural capital of Portugal. Fronting a distinctive and beautiful Mondego River, as well as, being etched into a mountainous topography, gives this city a distinctive visual flavor. The spectacular views, histor Read More

Lisbon Portugal's Beautiful Architecture, Tradition, and Culture (Photos)

One of the oldest cities in the world, Lisbon gives nothing less than literally historical periods-worth of architecture, tradition, and culture for anyone to immerse in. Surrounded by the deepest blues of the Atlantic Ocean and rifted beautifully by the calm Tagus River, Lisbon is a majestic sight Read More

The Palace of Mafra: Portugal's Magnificent Palace

The Palace of Mafra was built in the 18th Century and remains the most important baroque monument in Portugal to this day. It was commissioned by King João V as a symbol of his gratitude that he was able to bear children with his wife. The Palace was constructed from marble and limestone and Read More