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Istanbul's Hagia Sophia: A History of Two Cultures and an Architectural Marvel

Istanbul, one of the most popular cities in Europe for weekend trips, annually hosts over 8 million tourists. This number places it among the ten most-visited metropolises in the world. Located in the area between two continents, Europe and Asia, is this thriving industrial and cultural center. You Read More

Tokyo, Japan: Facts, Travel, and Points of Interest

Are you planning on taking a trip[ to Japan? If so, Tokyo should be on your list of "do not miss" cities to visit. Ranked among the busiest commercial towns in the world, Tokyo was previously referred to as Edo before its name was changed back in 1867. Located in the heart of Japan an Read More

Kalpa: A Mystical Village In the Himalayan Mountains

The season ‘Fall’ is always related to the creation of a barren earth. Yet, there is one place among the Himalayan hills, which is most fertile around the time of the fall. The color of Autumn in the small Himalayan hamlet Kalpa is red, green and gold, the color of its giant-sized apples Read More