The cock in my hood

Written by Rita C. Chima |
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It crows at the dawn of day

Despite sun or rain

Its crowing resounds in my head

As I turn and toss on my bed

And when I step outside my room

I see the red combed cock in my hood

Chasing hens

And as I put paper to pen

It displays its colourful feathers

In the cold weather

Its kokorukuuuuuuuuuuuuu sound

In my head abound

As it chases hens round the compound

I am held spellbound

And when it has won the price

It mounts with pride

Piercing with its proboscis

Enjoying the ride in ecstasy

And when it steps down

It spreads its white wings over town

Like a peacock

Is my neighborhood cock.


Copyright ©

Form of Poetry


Author: Rita C. Chima
Rita C. Chima also known as Amazing Rita is a graduate of English and Literary Studies from Delta State University. She is a fierce government critic especially on Facebook and Twitter. She has written series of unpublished poems and short stories.
My External Website (External Website Opens in New Window)


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