Famous Harold Rosenberg Quotations

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"No degree of dullness can safeguard a work against the determination of critics to find it fascinating."
by Harold Rosenberg
"The purpose of education is to keep a culture from being drowned in senseless repetitions, each of which claims to offer a new insight."
by Harold Rosenberg
"The story of Americans is the story of arrested metamorphoses. Those who achieve success come to a halt and accept themselves as they are. Those who fail become resigned and accept themselves as they are."
by Harold Rosenberg
"One of the grotesqueries of present-day American life is the amount of reasoning that goes into displaying the wisdom secreted in bad movies while proving that modern art is meaningless. They have put into practice the notion that a bad art work cleverly interpreted according to some obscure Method is more rewarding than a masterpiece wrapped in silence."
by Harold Rosenberg
"America is the civilization of people engaged in transforming themselves. In the past, the stars of the performance were the pioneer and the i..."
by Harold Rosenberg
"Only conservatives believe that subversion is still being carried on in the arts and that society is being shaken by it.... Advanced art today..."
by Harold Rosenberg
"Politics in the United States consists of the struggle between those whose change has been arrested by success or failure, on one side, and th..."
by Harold Rosenberg

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