Famous Russian Proverb Quotations

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"What the young one begs for, the grown-up throws away"
by Russian Proverb
"As long as the sun shines one does not ask for the moon"
by Russian Proverb
"It is not the horse that draws the cart, but the oats."
by Russian proverb
"A kind word is like a spring day."
by Russian Proverb
"A man is judged by his deeds, not by his words."
by Russian Proverb
"Do not spit in the well - you may be thirsty by and by."
by Russian Proverb
"Gossip needs no carriage."
by Russian Proverb
"There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out."
by Russian proverb
"To live is well, but to live well is better"
by Russian proverb
"Trust but verify."
by Russian proverb

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