Famous Spanish Proverb Quotations

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"There is no happiness; there are only moments of happiness."
by Spanish Proverb
"When a fool has made up his mind the market has gone by"
by Spanish Proverb
"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools."
by Spanish proverb
"Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you."
by Spanish Proverb
"Books are hindrances to persisting stupidity."
by Spanish Proverb
"Discretion is knowing how to hide that which we cannot remedy."
by Spanish Proverb
"Drink nothing without seeing it; sign nothing without reading it."
by Spanish Proverb
"He who is caught in a lie is not believed when he tells the truth."
by Spanish Proverb
"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward."
by Spanish Proverb
"If you want to be respected, you must respect yourself."
by Spanish Proverb
"Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry."
by Spanish Proverb
"Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love."
by Spanish Proverb
"Take hold lightly let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love."
by Spanish Proverb
"The lazy man always does twice the work.
(El bago siempre pasa double trabajo)"

by Spanish Proverb
"Tomorrow is often the busiest time of the year."
by Spanish Proverb
"As the Spanish proverb says, He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies, must carry the wealth of the Indies with him. So it is in travelling; a man must carry knowledge with him, if he would bring home knowledge."
by Samuel Johnson
"Where one door shuts, another opens."
by Spanish Proverb
"Experience is not always the kindest of teachers, but it is surely the best."
by Spanish Proverb

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