Famous Tom Daschle Quotations

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"[The size of the surplus] is just a guess, ... Why should we bet our economic future on something that may not happen?"
by Tom Daschle
"All along, the administration vowed their policies would be painless,"
by Tom Daschle
"And it certainly involves dealing with holding certain suspects who may be the subject of investigative efforts."
by Tom Daschle
"As we speak, the Senate is in session,"
by Tom Daschle
"As the representatives of the people we are here to declare that our resolve has not been weakened by these horrific and cowardly acts. referring to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon"
by Tom Daschle
"Bipartisanship isn't an option anymore; it is a requirement. The American people have divided responsibility for leadership right down the middle."
by Tom Daschle
"explain to the American people why they want to use Social Security trust funds for the tax cut."
by Tom Daschle
"harass, intimidate or discourage voters."
by Tom Daschle
"I acknowledged that concern, and it is for that reason that the Intelligence Committee is going to begin this effort, trying to limit the scope and the overall review of what happened,"
by Tom Daschle
"I couldn't believe that we would actually commit $8 million to create a Web site that would encourage investors to bet on futures involving terrorist attacks and public assassinations, ... ... I can't believe that anybody would seriously propose that we trade in death ... How long would it be before you saw traders investing in a way that would bring about the desired result?"
by Tom Daschle
"I haven't ruled anything out or anything in at this point."
by Tom Daschle
"I think that there is an implication here, as they've done throughout this debate on Iraq, that if you oppose the president, your patriotism ought to be questioned, ... Meet the Press."
by Tom Daschle
"I think that it's so critical when you make a request to the Congress to authorize and appropriate $38 billion for homeland security, somebody ought to come up and explain just how you're going to spend it, ... Those issues are going unanswered in large measure because Mr. Ridge refuses to testify. We just have to find a way hopefully without the use of coercion to have those questions answered for the record."
by Tom Daschle
"I think it's important for us to try to find ways to work together,"
by Tom Daschle
"I'm equally dismayed that House managers have already chosen to contact witnesses. And then, to announce a witness reluctance to participate until they know the circumstances, that is in clear violation of the agreement that we had last week. And I hope it's not a harbinger of the politicized process that we have all said we oppose,"
by Tom Daschle
"I've had to follow a lot of speakers, but --"
by Tom Daschle
"I've never seen an administration in all my years which is more intransigent, more unwilling to work with Democrats or across the aisle, ... It is amazing to me -- it is breathtaking -- how remarkably unwilling they are to sit down and try and find common ground."
by Tom Daschle
"In 1981 ... I sat in the House chamber when another new president talked to the American people about stimulating the economy,"
by Tom Daschle
"important for the Senate to go on record"
by Tom Daschle
"It involves greater surveillance. It involves improving the working relationship among federal and state and local agencies. It involves more border control and border opportunities to deal with those involved in crossing our borders,"
by Tom Daschle
"It is our intention, of course, to try to do all we can to improve that bill, ... We want to ensure that seniors have access to these drug benefits through Medicare itself. We want to make sure they know what it's going to cost. We want to make sure they know what they can count on with regard to the benefits themselves."
by Tom Daschle
"It was important for us to be as supportive as our candidates and as our incumbent senators would have us be."
by Tom Daschle
"It will be a very close vote,"
by Tom Daschle
"It's hard to express how angry I am about these attacks, how proud I am of the brave response on the part of my staff ... and so many others,"
by Tom Daschle
"It's over, we're finished here,"
by Tom Daschle
"It's way past time to close this gap,"
by Tom Daschle
"killing the small independent trucker and we've got to find ways to give them some relief."
by Tom Daschle
"Literally minutes before the Senate cast its vote, the administration sought to add the words 'in the United States and' after 'appropriate force' in the agreed-upon text. This last-minute change would have given the president broad authority to exercise expansive powers not just overseas -- where we all understood he wanted authority to act -- but right here in the United States , potentially against American citizens . I could see no justification for Congress to accede to this extraordinary request for additional authority. I refused."
by Tom Daschle
"merely replacing Secretary O'Neill and Lindsey is not a solution. With our economy stalling, unemployment rising and confidence suffering, it is clear that we need more than new faces. We need a new plan to stimulate our economy now."
by Tom Daschle
"Our view is that there has to be some way ... to deal with this matter beyond the question of conviction, and we think censure presents that opportunity and we will be planning to propose that at some point,"
by Tom Daschle
"politicizing the debate about war."
by Tom Daschle
"So I thank the director of the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) for confirming what we said last spring, but it doesn't make the fact that we were right feel any better."
by Tom Daschle
"That report is now a month overdue, ... We don't yet know what the administration's official position is as a result of their unwillingness to share a report with us."
by Tom Daschle
"The horrific tragedy [Tuesday] is another illustration of the need to do an array of things,"
by Tom Daschle
"The president and his advisers must accept that continued legal jousting serves no constructive purpose,"
by Tom Daschle
"The reason why we're facing that deficit is because of the tax cut, so I hope that no one will be misled or in any way fooled by this notion that somehow it's the downturn of the economy or it's the war on terrorism,"
by Tom Daschle
"The strong-arm tactics being used by the administration are clearly backfiring,"
by Tom Daschle
"There is no effort being made on the part of any Republican, that I'm aware of, that would allow us to do something constructive on estate tax relief today, ... Clearly they're not interested in an accomplishment. They're not interested in reducing the estate taxes of people. They're interested in playing to their base."
by Tom Daschle
"They're rolling a dice and in my view they're going to come up the big losers, ... They think there is some political resonance in this but that's not what I hear."
by Tom Daschle
"Those who have examined his record very closely are convinced that he's probably incapable of upholding civil rights laws as they ought to be interpreted,"
by Tom Daschle
"To support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research is to come down on the side of hope for the millions of Americans suffering from diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to cancer to Parkinson's to diabetes,"
by Tom Daschle
"We are awed by their sacrifice and their bravery, and we want them and their families to know that they have the profound respect and gratitude of every American,"
by Tom Daschle
"We don't know what effect this will have yet. We do know that it poses some serious questions regarding our relationship with our allies, with Russia and with China, that we're going to have to consider very, very carefully,"
by Tom Daschle
"We must correct the problems and inequities in the way we conduct and decide elections in the United States."
by Tom Daschle
"We need to stand together to give our first responders the tools they need ... to protect our communities from terrorist attack and other tragedy."
by Tom Daschle
"We will lose Colombia."
by Tom Daschle
"We think that's wrong,"
by Tom Daschle
"We're not going to embarrass this president,"
by Tom Daschle
"With regard to fairness perhaps the most important element is to ensure that we provide the bulk of tax relief to working families."
by Tom Daschle
"You've got two people that are well known in South Dakota, respected. We'll see how it all shakes out."
by Tom Daschle

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