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Copenhagen Denmark's Points of Interest and Urban Experience

Copenhagen is a very pleasant city in Denmark which sits on the coastal islands of Amager and Zealand and is home to numerous astounding and spectacular sights and attractions within walking distance. One of the oldest and most popular cities in Europe, it is magnificently equipped wi Read More

Precious Time Spent in the Glow of Monaco

Grace Kelly, the princess of Monaco, left her bright career in Hollywood and moved to Monaco to live a fulfilling life with her prince. When she was offered a role to play in another Hollywood movie, she refused the offer because of her devotion to saving the tiny Principality of Monaco. A fasci Read More

Moscow Points of Interest and the Beginning of My Story

Where do the stories of one’s life usually begin? From one’s native town or the place where you were born? For some people, those are the same places, while for others they are two different places, two completely diverse stories. While I am originally Armenian and spent most of my li Read More