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Yosemite: The Approach to the Valley

When I set out on the long excursion that finally led to California I wandered afoot and alone, from Indiana to the Gulf of Mexico, with a plant-press on my back, holding a generally southward course, like the birds when they are going from summer to winter. From the west coast of Florida I crossed Read More

Kakadu National Park and Northern Territory Vacation Travel Guide (Video)

Kakadu National Park, located in Australia's Northern Territory, contains nearly 20,000 square kilometers of natural, geological, and archaeological treasures. There are so many valuable pieces of Australia's ecological and cultural history in the park that it was placed in its entirety on t Read More

Swiss National Park: A UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Located in eastern Switzerland, Swiss National Park is noted as being the country's only national park. It is also part of UNESCO's Biosphere Reserve, an initiative aimed at preserving natural resources and ecosystem conservation. The park spans over 172 square kilometers and is filled with Read More