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Snow and Storms in Yosemite

The first of the great snow-storms that replenish the Yosemite fountains seldom sets in before the end of November. Then, warned by the sky, wide-awake mountaineers, together with the deer and most of the birds, make haste to the lowlands or foothills; and burrowing marmots, mountain beavers, wo Read More

Lake District National Park and Its Beautiful Natural Features

Lake District National Park is spread across the vast majority of England's Lake District, and is the country's most frequented national park. The park is unique in that much of the ecology of the area has been affected by human presence. Lake District National Park contains farmland, commer Read More

Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park

Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park is one of Japan's national treasures. It is divided into four general areas that include Mt. Fuji area, Hakone area, Izu Peninsula, and Izu Islands. Instead of being in one place, the park's points of interest are dispersed throughout the region. In these areas Read More