Short Stories

The Stranger

Written by William Kekaula
  My life warps by its beasts of woes depression dogs my day at night, stress drains my restless soul the wrongs have no delay Myself am I, forsook decreed hope laid by things undone a key to mom's blessed leather book gave words that days begun Her primes of fasting, times o Read More


Written by John Payne
               I closed my eyes as the needle pierced my skin and the stuff found a vein. A sound like giant eagle’s wings filled the space between me and the world. My eyes opened to a place that was not Shell Tyson’s place. To my left was the oce Read More

Sometimes, Dead Are Invincible

Written by M.L. Kiser
There are things in this world that, defy all known, natural laws.  Such is the being of which, I write.  Sometimes, you just can’t kill a body, not permanently, anyway.  That is the way with Jeremiah Dalhousie.  I suppose there’ll always be someone who thinks they ca Read More

The Cheat

Written by Brooke Fenton
The cheat    Tears streamed chaotically down my weary face. The more I linger on the past, the more unbearable the pain becomes. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. You weren’t meant to cheat. You promised me!  My life drastically changed when I heard those damned Read More

Finding me within

A wave of emotion hits me as I fall to the ground in pain. I close my eyes for a second as I lay still on the cold cement. I open my eyes to suddenly find that I am in a strawberry field, picking the biggest and brightest. Im confused as I look around but they are all so pretty. Standing here i Read More

A Day at the Presidential Museum and Library of John F. Kennedy(Nov 23,2018)

Written by Anthony Taylor
Well, it is the year 2018; Four years since I earned my Master's Degree. A book that I wrote was published in 2017,entitled Reflections of the Early Hollywood Years. Oh how I missed those years. I decided to visit the Presidential Museum and Library of John F. Kennedy, because  he was Read More

Frozen Tears

Written by Ojingiri Hannah
My nightmare began on the 13th of December when my father died of heart attack in one of the private hospitals in Lagos. The Yoruba adage says “when the crown has fallen from the head what is left is disgrace”. Indeed, what was left after my father’s death was more than disgrace, l Read More

A Time for Change

Written by Dimpra Kaleem
Waiting outside professor Garnett's office meant one of two things. Either you had done something exemplary, which meant that you were there to explain your work in an easy to plagiarize way, for it was not unknown to have a paper released by the great man himself that bore an uncanny likeness Read More


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