Romance Poems

LUDix-Rym: Thine Art Loveth
by William Kekaula


HARK, whilst thee singeth melody,

gauged labyrinths midst harmony,

ransom subconscious, placed thee free,

persuade possessed, heed thy purged glee,

beg reposed heart thy beating plea.

Themes prune labor to

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I've been waiting for you . . .
by Ashmi Sheth

Just hold me in your arms,

And never let me go;

I’ve been craving for your love,

And I ask for nothing more.


I’ve been longing for restful calmness


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by Alex Cridland

Black. Black. Black.

Eyes wide open.

Heartbeat drumming.

Chest aching.

Muscles tightening.

Fear, the force threatening to overcome me.

Look left. No right.

Please fucking please let me make it through the night!


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Beautiful chaos
by Misty Bird

It feels as if though

No matter the distance between, nor the time of day

Even year for that matter

Sense of the bond that lays between us


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Love i gave away
by Alishah Ali

When depth of ocean doesn’t drown you
When deepest fear becomes loosing you 
When every wrong makes you feel alright.
How every turn makes me

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She Walks
by Tim Hoffman

•~•♥• She Walks •♥•~•


She walks, her beauty seen

Subtle, yet perfectly pristine

She walks, with a glimmering light

Illuminating my darkened night


She walks, humble in her ways

Her sight-

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The Lips

 Oh! what a world of sin I created?

Looking around humanities, I saw the beautiful lust in their heart towards me.
All big teeth,  considered me

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